TS SA2 Exams Time Table 2018 | 02/04/2018 to  09/04/2018 Telangana Summative Assessment 2

Time Table for Telangana Summative assessment TS SA2 for Classes from 1st to 10th (SSC)

Time Table for Telangana Summative assessment for Classes from 1st to 10th (SSC) have been released by TS Government. Sri G.Kishan, Director of SSA released this on 23rd Jan 2017. In the notification he ordered all the RDSEs,  DEOs ,  vide reference cited,  the draft question papers developed at the Districts have been discussed in the State Level Workshop by the subject experts and edited and finalized.  The finalized question papers have,  been handed over to DCEB Secretary pertaining to the Districts for under taking printing and conduct of School Assistant-ll examinations.  The District Educational Officer are requested to verity the edited question papers and take up the printing as per the procedure in vogue.  The District Educational Officers of the erstwhile districts are requested to take up the printing of the question paper for all the New District formed in the main District A set of the printed question paper shall be submitted to Director SCERT in a sealed cover without fail.

vide reference 3rd  cited,  orders have been issued for the conduct of Pre-Final examinations for class X from 16.02.2018 to 28.02.2018 along with the daily schedule.

As per the academic calendar the schedule for the conduct of Summative Assessment(SA-II)  examination will be from 02/04/2018 to  09/04/2018 for classes 1st to lX.

There fore the schedule for conduct of the summative assessment (SA-2) from 07/03/2017 to 14 03/2017 is given hereunder for classes 1st to 9th class.
Sub: School Education,  Telangana,  Hyderabad Conduct of Summative Assessment Examinations(SA-ll) from 02/04/2018 to  09/04/2018 orders Issued Reg.


Telangana SA2 (TS Summative Assessment II) Time Table for 2018 6th, 7th,8th,9th classes

Date VI and VII Classes VIII Class Morning Timings IX Class Afternoon Timings
02-04-2018 Ist Language Ist Language 9:30 AM to 12:15:00 PM Mathmatics 1:15 PM to 04:00 PM
03-04-2018 IInd Language IInd  Language 9:30 AM to 12:15:00 PM PS Morning & NS Afternoon 1:15 PM to 04:00 PM
04-04-2018 IIIrd Language IIIrd Language 9:30 AM to 12:15:00 PM Social Studies 1:15 PM to 04:00 PM
06-04-2018 Mathematics Mathmatics 9:30 AM to 12:15:00 PM Ist Language 1:15 PM to 04:00 PM
07-04-2018 General Science PS Morning & NS Afternoon 9:30 AM to 12:15:00 PM IInd Language 1:15 PM to 04:00 PM
09-04-2018 Social studies Social Studies 9:30 AM to 12.15 PM IIIrd Language 1:15 PM to 04:00 PM

Download Timetable in word format from here: Download

Telangana Summative Assessment 2 Time Table 2017 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th classes

Date Day Subject
02.04.2018 Monday First Language
03.04.2018 Tuesday Third Language
04.04.2018 Wednesday Mathematics
06.04.2018 Thursday EVS

Note: The Examination duration for 2 Language paper for both Hindi & Telugu  is for 3 hours in view of single paper.

During the examination period, i e. from 02/04/2018 to  09/04/2018 the answer scripts must be valued and Cumulative Records shall be completed in all aspects by 
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