RITES Engineer Syllabus, Exam Pattern Download PDF
RITES Engineer Syllabus 2023 is available here RITES Engineer Syllabus, Exam pattern, and model question papers are available now. Candidates who are applying for RITES Engineer Jobs have started their Exam preparation for the Written Test which is going to organize by Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited. All those applicants can check the RITES Engineer question Papers and download them. Here, we are providing the RITES Engineer Previous papers along with solutions. Here we also provided the RITES Engineer syllabus 2023. So before going to begin the preparation, once check the Provided RITES Engineer Syllabus 2023.
RITES Engineer Syllabus 2023 PDF
Name of the Organization | Rail India Technical and Economic Service |
Post Name | Engineer (Civil/Mechanical) |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Test, Interview |
Location | Across India |
Official Site | rites.com |
RITES Engineer Exam Pattern 2023
Duration: 120 Minutes |
Negative Marking: 0.25 |
S.No | Type of Exam | Subjects | No.of Question | Marks |
1 | Written Test | Reasoning | 20 | 20 |
2 | English | 20 | 20 | |
3 | Numerical Ability | 20 | 20 | |
4 | General Awareness | 20 | 20 | |
5 | Civil | 20 | 20 | |
6 | Mechanical | 100 | 100 |
Download RITES Engineer Exam Syllabus 2023 PFG Here
RITES Engineer Syllabus Pdf is available here for free. So, candidates who applied for RITES Engineer Jobs can download RITES Engineer Exam Syllabus, and Pattern. Also, individuals can get more RITES Engineer Previous Year Papers from the official website.
General English
- Comprehension passage
- Spot the error
- Antonyms
- Idioms and phrases
- Shuffling of sentence parts
- One word substitutions
- Shuffling of Sentences in a Passage
- Spellings
- Synonyms/ Homonyms
- Improvement
- Cloze passage
- Fill in the blanks
- Detecting Mis-spelt words
General Knowledge
- Books
- Geography
- General Politics
- Current events
- Sports and Games
- Indian Constitution
- Economic Scene
- History
- Awards and Honors
- Culture
Quantitative Aptitude
- Time & Speed
- Investment
- Pictorial Graph
- Statistical Charts
- Simplification
- Geometry
- Bar Graph
- Problem On Ages
- Pie Chart
- Data Interpretation
- Fundamental Arithmetical operations
- Algebra
- Number Systems
- Trigonometry
- Mensuration
- Average
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Time & Work
- Profit & Loss
- Area
- Percentages
- Number Ranking
- Syllogistic Reasoning
- Embedded Figures etc.
- Problem-Solving
- Directions
- Cubes and Dice
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Mirror Images
- Arrangements
- Blood Relations
- Non-Verbal Series
- Number Series
- Coding-Decoding
- Judgment
- Decision Making
- Analogies
- Visual Memory
- Clocks & Calendars
- Alphabet Series
Professional Knowledge
Civil Engineering
- Bridge Engineering
- Hydraulic Structures
- Concrete Technology
- Fluid Mechanics
- Steel Structures
- Civil Engineering Materials and Construction
- Construction and Project Management
- Estimation, Costing, and Specifications
- Environmental Studies
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- Surveying
- PSC Structures
- Environmental Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Solid Mechanics, Structural Analysis
- Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering
- Reinforced Concrete Structures
Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Basics.
- Instruments.
- Digital Electronics.
- Microprocessor.
- Electrical Measurements & Measuring.
- DC Machine, AC Machine & Transformer.
- Control System.
- Generation, Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power.
- Power Electronics & Drives.
- Network theory.
- Circuit Theory.
- Analog Circuits/ Electronics.
- Electrical Engineering Materials.
- Mechanics.
- Mechanical Measuring Instruments.
- Engineering Drawing & Design/Design Calculation.
- Thermal Engineering/ Power Plant Engineering.
- Manufacturing Processes(Drilling, Milling, Boring)/ Manufacturing Technology.
- Manufacturing Processes/ Heat & Surface Treatment, Heat & Mass Transfer.
- Theory of Machine.
- Production Design.
- Pneumatics & Hydraulics.
- Metrology and Measurements/Tolerance Limits, Fits.
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RITES Engineer Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)