Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus 2023 PDF Download: Candidates Are you preparing for Kerala PSC Draftsman Exam 2023 Then this article is for You……….! Here The Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus 2023 And Exam Pattern are available in detail. So the Candidates, who applied for Kerala PSC Draftsman Grade 2Jobs 2023 and Searching Online for Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus 2023, will get complete information here. The Kerala Public Service Commission recently announced the Kerala PSC Draftsman Exam 2023. So the Applicants who applied for Kerala PSC Draftsman Exam must check this article. The Kerala PSC Draftsman Grade 2Exam is quite tough to be Qualified and there will be a huge competition for the Examination. So the Contenders should practice Hard. So, to help those candidates we are here with the Updated Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus and Exam Structure.
Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus 2023 Highlights
Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Post | Draftsman |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Test/ OMR/ Online Test. |
Location | Kerala |
Official Website | |
Download Subject Wise Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus 2023
The Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus is provided for the candidates preparing for Exam. Candidates who have applied for Kerala PSC Draftsman Recruitment can use this syllabus to help you to give your best in the Kerala Public Service Commission Exam. The Kerala PSC Draftsman Syllabus topics are mentioned below.
1. Basics of Electrical Circuits (10 Marks)
Electric circuit – Current , potential difference, resistance, effect of temperature on resistance, Ohm’s law, series circuit and parallel circuit, Kirchhoff’s law, work , power, energy and simple network problems.
Batteries – primary and secondary cell, charging and discharging of lead acid cell, care and maintenance of battery.
2. AC Circuits (10 Marks)
Production AC voltage, different terms in AC- cycle, frequency, time period, amplitude, RMS value, average value, maximum value, power and power factor. AC through resistor, capacitor and inductor, AC series circuit and parallel circuit, simple problems.
Three phase AC generation- star and delta connections, relation of line and phase voltage and current, three phase power calculation, simple problems.
3. Electrostatics and electromagnetism (10 Marks)
Electrostatic – different terms related to electrostatic, charge, capacitance, charging of capacitor, series and parallel combination of capacitors.
Electromagnetism –flux, permeability, terms related to magnetism, B-H curve, hysteresis and eddy current loss, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, self and mutual induction.
4. Materials (10 Marks)
Conducting materials – essential properties of conductor, properties of Copper , ACSR, Aluminum, tungsten, platinum, nichrome, lead, mercury, carbon and graphite.
Insulating materials – properties and uses of marble, slack, white clay, porcelain, ebonite, shellac, enamel, rubber, mica, asbestos, plastic, paper, PVC, effect of moisture on insulation, insulating oil,-testing on insulating oil.
5. Electrical measuring instruments and measurements (10 Marks)
Principle and working of – voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, tong tester, multi-meter. Working principle and operation of energy meter, single phase and three phase energy meter, working of megger
Three phase power measurement by two wattmeter method.
6. Power system (10 Marks)
Generation – sources of energy , types of generating station, hydroelectric stations based on head, principle and operation of power stations, components of power plant with schematic diagram, lay out of power plants, comparison of hydro, thermal, diesel and atomic plants.
Transmission – advantages of high voltage transmission, line supports, insulators, ground wire, UG cable, LT cables, Substation components- isolator, circuit breaker, fuse, HRC fuse, indoor and outdoor substation.
Distribution –feeder, distributor, service main, size of conductors, current carrying capacity of various conductors, permissible voltage drop, earthing, lighting arrestor.
Disadvantages of low power factor, Power factor improvement.
7. Transformer (10 Marks)
Transformer – principle and working, construction, features of ON load and OFF load condition, core construction, losses, maintenance of transformer oil, oil testing. Distribution transformers. Simple problems.
8. Electrical rotating machines (10 Marks)
DC machines- DC generator, working, construction, armature winding, commutator, classification of motors and generators. Starters for DC motor.
AC Motors – three phase and single phase induction motors, principle and operation, squirrel cage and wound rotor construction, starters for AC motor, testing for continuity, insulation and short circuit.
9. Estimation (10 Marks)
Wiring – types of wiring in residential building, theatre, auditorium, wiring accessories, estimating and costing of wiring.
Estimating of – AC motor installations, estimating of service connections for residential and workshops, HT and LT line, transformer installations.
10. Electrical power utilization (10 Marks)
Lamps – working of incandescent lamp, mercury, sodium, fluorescent lamps and tubes, LED and arc lamps. Application of industry type lamps.
Motors – selection and application of DC series motor, shunt motor, compound motor, single phase induction motor, synchronous and universal motors.
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