IPPB IT Officer Syllabus 2023 PDF Download: Candidates Are you preparing for IPPB IT Officer Exam 2023 Then this article is for You……….! Here The IPPB IT Officer Syllabus 2023 And Exam Pattern are available in detail. So the Candidates, who applied for IPPB IT Officer (Executive)Jobs 2023 and Searching Online for IPPB IT Officer Syllabus 2023, will get complete information here. The India Post Payments Bank recently announced the IPPB IT Officer Exam 2023. So the Applicants who applied for IPPB IT Officer Exam must check this article. The IPPB IT Officer (Executive)Exam is quite challenging to be Qualified and there will be a massive competition for the Examination. So the Contenders should practice Hard. So, to help those candidates we are here with the Updated IPPB IT Officer Syllabus and Exam Structure.
IPPB Territory Officer Syllabus 2023 (PDF) Assistant Manager Scale I & II Exam Pattern Download
IPPB IT Officer Syllabus 2023 Highlights
Name of the Organization | India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) |
Posts Name | IT Officer |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website | ippbonline.com |
IPPB GDS Syllabus 2023 (PDF) Indian Post Payment Bank Grameen Dak Sevak Exam Pattern Download
IPPB Exam Pattern 2023
Preliminary Exam (Duration: 60 Minutes)
S.No | Subject | No.of Question | Mark |
1 | English Language | 30 | 30 |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
IPPB Mains Exam (Duration: 140 Minutes)
S.No. | Subject | No.of Question | Marks |
1 | Reasoning | 50 | 50 |
2 | English Language | 40 | 40 |
3 | Computer Knowledge | 20 | 20 |
4 | General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
5 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 |
Total | 200 | 200 |
IPPB GDS Previous Question Papers (PDF) India Post Grameen Dak Sevak Model Papers
Download the Subject Wise IPPB IT Officer Syllabus 2023 PDF
Download IPPB IT Officer (Executive) Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 PDF Here: The Candidates who have been searching for the IPPB IT Officer (Executive) Syllabus can get a complete Syllabus from this article……….So the candidates who have applied for the IPPB IT Officer (Executive) 2023 and preparing for the IPPB IT Officer (Executive) Prelims and Mains Exam 2023 are advised to take a look at this page now. Here the IPPB IT Officer (Executive) Syllabus & Exam Pattern is available in detail.
English Language :
1. Articles
2. Verb
3. Error- Correction
4. Tenses Voices
5. Subject-Verb Agreement
6. Comprehension
7. Fill in the Blanks
8. Synonyms
9. Sentence Rearrangement
10. Adverb
11. unseen Passage
12. Vocabulary
13. Idioms & Phrases
14. Grammar
15. Antonyms.
Quantitative Aptitude :
1. Profit and Loss
2. Ratio and Proportion
3. Percentage
4. Number System
5. Decimal Fractions
6. Discount
7. Simple Interest
8. Tables and Graphs
9. Partnership
10. Time and work
11. Time and Distance
12. Average, Mensuration.
Reasoning :
1. Analogy
2. Data Sufficiency
3. Puzzle Test
4. Coding-Decoding
5. Theme Detection
6. Alphabet Test
7. Classification
8. Deriving Conclusions
9. Clock and Calendars
10. Venn Diagrams
11. Series Completion
12. Sequence of words
13. Statements and Conclusion
14. Statement Arguments
15. Missing Chapters
16. Arithmetical Reasoning
17. Mathematical Operation
18. Statement Arguments
19. Alphanumeric Sequence Puzzle
20. Number
21. Ranking and Time Sequence
22. Situation Reaction Test.
Computer Knowledge :
1. Hardware
2. Internet
3. Logic Gates
4. History of Computers
5. Software
6. Networking
7. Database
8. MS Office Security Tools
9. Number System.
General Awareness :
1. General Knowledge
2. Current Affairs
3. Banking Awareness
4. Budget Basic & Current Union Budget
5. Indian Banking History
6. Credit Policies Capital Market
7. Money Market Financial Institutions
8. Abbreviations and Economic Terminologies
9. Government Schemes.
Click here to Download IPPB Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 PDF
IPPB IT Officer Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)