TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus 2023 PDF (Latest) Exam Pattern Download @

TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus 2023 PDF: TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus and Exam Pattern PDF are available on this page for Download. The Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihood Mission, Tamilnadu has released the Subject Wise TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus on its Official website @ The TNSRLM Block Coordinator Notification 2023 has been released by the Officials and the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam 2023 will be held soon. So the Candidates who had applied for TNSRLM Block Coordinator 2023 and Stated Exam preparation for the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam should check this Article now. 

TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus 2023 PDF

Organization Name Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihoods Mission
Job Category Tamilnadu Govt Jobs
Employment Type Contract Job
Category Syllabus
Official Website

TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam Pattern 2023

Duration: 120 Minutes

S.No. Subject No.of Question Marks
1 General Knowledge 50 50
2 English 50 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
4 Logical Reasoning 50 50
Total 200 200

Download Subject Wise TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus 2023

Here we have provided the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus. The TNSRLM Exam will be conducted to recruit the Block Coordinator Posts. To help the Aspirants we have uploaded the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus on this page for Download. Here we have provided the Subject Wise TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus PDF.

General Knowledge 

1. Indian Economy
2. Indian Parliament
3. Sports
4. Indian Politics
5. Famous Days & Dates
6. Botany
7. Inventions in the World
8. Famous Books & Authors
9. Chemistry
10. Geography
11. Physics
12. ZoologyIndian History
13. Environment
14. Indian Culture


1. Synonyms
2. Transformation
3. Idioms and Phrases
4. Active and Passive Voice
5. Spelling Test
6. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
7. Fill in the blanks
8. Sentence Arrangement
9. Spotting Errors
10. Antonyms
11. Prepositions
12. Sentence Completion
13. Substitution
14. Passage Completion
15. Sentence Improvement
16. Para Completion
17. Joining Sentences
18. Error Correction (Underlined Part)

Quantitative Aptitude 

1. Compound Interest
2. Mixtures and Allegations
3. Averages
4. Boats and Streams
5. Time and Work Partnership
6. Mensuration
7. Quadratic Equations
8. Probability
9. Ratio and Proportion
10. Simple Interest
11. Areas
12. Volumes
13. Profit and Loss
14. Pipes and Cisterns
15. Problems with Numbers
16. Odd Man Out
17. Races and Games
18. Problems with L.C.M and H.C.F
19. Simplification and Approximation
20. Time and Distance
21. Problems with Trains
22. Numbers and Ages
23. Percentages
24. Simple Equations
25. Indices and Surds
26. Permutations and Combinations

Logical Reasoning 

1. Data Sufficiency
2. Logical Reasoning
3. Analytical Reasoning
4. Non-Verbal Reasoning
5. Puzzles
6. Data Interpretation
7. Verbal Reasoning

TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus – Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Syllabus?

General Knowledge English Quantitative Aptitude Logical Reasoning

How many papers are there in TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam?

There is Only One Stage in the Exam

How many questions will be asked in the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam 2023?

160 Questions Will be asked in the Examination

For How many Marks the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam will be conducted?

The TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam will be conducted for 200 Marks

Is there any Negative Marketing in the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam 2023?

No negative marking in the TNSRLM Block Coordinator Exam 2023