APPSC Medical Officer Syllabus & Exam Pattern PDF: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has released APPSC Medical Officer Syllabus on its Official Web portal @ The APPSC MO Exam Pattern is uploaded on this page for the sake of the Candidates. Candidates who had applied for APPSC Jobs and preparing for Medical Officer Exam 2023 should check this article for APPSC Syllabus and test pattern PDF. Here we have uploaded the Subject Wise Syllabus and Detailed Exam Pattern to help the Aspirants in their Exam Preparation. So all the Applicants are advised to read this article completely and Download the APPSC MO Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the Below Section for free of cost.
APPSC MO Syllabus 2023 PDF
Organization Name | Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) |
Position Name | Medical Officer (Ayurveda), Medical Officer (Unani), Medical Officer (Homoeopathy) |
Category | Syllabus |
Location | Andhra Pradesh |
selection Process | Written Test |
Official Site | |
APPSC Medical Officer Exam Pattern 2023
PAPER | Subject | No.of Questions | Duration (Minutes) | Maximum Marks |
Paper – I | General Studies & Mental Ability | 150 | 150 | 150 |
Paper-II | Concerned Subject | 150 | 150 | 300 |
Total | 450 |
Download APPSC Medical Officer Syllabus 2023 PDF
Medical Officer (Unani) in Ayush Department:
Paper-I: General Studies and Mental Ability
- Events of national and international importance.
- Current affairs- international, national and regional.
- General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and information Technology.
- Social- economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh. (Starts from 1707 AD)
- Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.
- Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra Pradesh.
- Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.
- Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
- Data Analysis:
- Tabulation of data
- Visual representation of data
- Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance and coefficient of variation) and Interpretation
- Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and Legal implications/problems.
Paper-II Unani Science & Unani General Medicine
- Kulliyat Umoore Tabiya (Basic Principles of Unani Medicine)
- Mabhas-e-Aam (General Discussion)
- lme Tib ki Tareef (Definition of Tibb)
- Tib ke mozu aur garz-o-ghayat (Subject and objectives of Tibb)
- Tibb ki darjabandi imsal ke sath (Classification of Tibb with suitable examples)
- Umoore Tabeiyah ki Tareef aur ahmiyat (Definition and importance of Umoore-e- Tabiyah) Tabiyat ki tareef aur ahmiyat (Definition of Tabeiya’t and its importance)
- Ala-e- Tabeiya’t wa Mana’at ( Tools of Physis and Immunity)
- Umoore Tabeiyah ka mafhoom tareef, ta’dad wa ahmiyat (Meanings, definition, number and importance of Umoore Tabiyah
- Asbab ka bayan (Description of causes)
Arkaan (Anasir)
- Arkan (Anasir) ki tareef (Definition of Arkan or Anasir)
- Arkan ki Ta’ dad aur anasir Arba ka Nazaria ( Number of Arkaan and Concept of Arkane-Arba)
- Anasir ka tabaee muqam aur agraz-wo-maqasid (Physical position, purpose and siginificance of Arkan-e-Arba)
- Anasir ka jadeed nazariya (Modern concept of Elements)
- Jadeed nazariya ke mutabiq anasir-e-insaniah ki taqseem aur sehat wa maraz mein inki ahmiyat (Classification of Human element and their role in Health and Disease)
- Mizaj ki tareef (Definition of Temperament)
- Imtizaj-e-Sada, Imtizaj e- Haqeeqi
- Mizaj ki taqseem (Classification of Temperament)
- Taqseem-e-Mizaje Mutadil (Classification of Equable or Balanced temperament)
- Taqseem Mizaje Ghair Mutadil or Sue Mizaj (Classification of Unequable or Imbalanced temperament), Sue mizaj sada, sue mizaj maddi
- Hararate Ghariziyah ( Innate or Intrinsic heat)
- Hararate ghariba Harat Muqassira
- Mizaje Insani (Human temperament) Shanakhte Mizaje Insani (Identification of Human temperament)- Ajnas-e- Ashra
- Mizaje Aaza (Aza- Mufrada, Aza Murakkaba)
- Mizaje Asnan (Temperament of different ages) Mizaj-e-Asnaf
- Mizaje Aqaleem (Human Temperament according different regions of Earth)
- ilaj-wo- Moaleja mein Mizaj ki Ahmiyat aur Mizaj-e-Adviyah (Importance of the Mizaj with respects to drugs and therapeutics)
- Akh’lat Ki tareef (Definition of Humours)
- Akhlate Arba’ ka Ijmali bayan wo- Bahas (Description and discussion of Akhlate Arba)
- Description of Dam (Blood) with classification and functions
- Description of Balgham (Phelgm) with classification and functions
- Description of Saf’ra (Bile) with classification and functions
- Description of Sauda (Black Bile) with classification and functions
- Basis of Akh’ late Arba (Four Humours) Arbiyat Akhlat ke Dalayil
- Tawleed Akhlaat (Production of Ak’hlat)
- Ratoobate –Oola-wo-Sania
- Huzume Arba’ ka Ijmali bayan (Brief description of Four Digestions)
- General description of A’za ( Organs) and their classification
- Definition of A’zae Mufradah (Simple Organs)
- Classification of A’zae Mufradah
- Description and functions of the following organs:
- Azm (Bone)
- Ghuzruf (Cartilage)
- Ribat (Ligaments)
- Wat’r (Tendon)
- Asab (Nerve)
- Ghisha (Membrane)
- Laham ( Flesh)
- Shaham (Fat)
- Shiryan (Arteries) and vareed (Veins)
- Theory of Abu Sahl M Seehi about A’ zae Mufradah (Simple Organs)
- Inclusion of Sha’r (Hair), Zufr (Nail) and Mukh (Marrow) in A’zae Mufradah
- Definition of A’zae Murakkaba (Compound Organs) with their classification
- Definition of A’zae Raisah (Vital Organs) and their classification
- Definition of A’zaeKhadimah (Subordinate Organs)
- Definition of ‘Uzue Mu’ti (Donor Organ) and their classification
- Definition of ‘Uzue Qabil ( Recipient Organ) and their classification
Medical Officer (Homoeopathy) Syllabus:
Human Anatomy:
- Development anatomy-General principles of development and growth and the effect of hereditary and environment factors to be given by lectures, charts, models and slides.
- Micro-anatomy (Histology)-Modern conceptions of cell, epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, nervous tissue and systematic structure.
- Modern conception of cell-components and their functions, why a cell divides, cell division, types with their signification.
- Regional anatomy – Regional Anatomy with emphasis on developmental anatomy, broad relationship, surface marking, radiological anatomy, and applied anatomy.
4.1. Thorax
4.1.1. Surface marking – pieura, lung, and heart – valves of heart, border, Arch of aorta, superior venacava, bifurcation of trachea.
4.2. Abdomen and Pelvis
4.2.1. The abdominal wall-skin and muscles, innervations of fascia, Peritoneum, blood vessels, lymphatics, autonomic, ganglia and plexuses.
4.2.2. Stomach, small intestine, caecum, appendix, large intestine,
4.2.3. Dueodenum, pancreas, kidneys, uterus, supra renals.
4.2.4. Liver and gall bladder
4.2.5. Applied anatomy of referred pain, portal systemic anastomosis, catheterization of the urinary bladder in the male and female.
4.2.6. Surface marking of organs and blood vessels.
1.1. Fundamental phenomena of life. The cell and its differentiation. Tissues and organs of the body.
1.2. Environmental Physiology
1.3. Skin – structure and functions.
1.4. Regulations of body temperature hypothermia.
Skeleton – Muscular System
2.1. General introduction and classification of muscle fibers.
2.2. Properties of skeletal muscles and factors affecting development of tension.
2.3 Energy metabolism of muscles.
3.1. Structure and function of nerve cell.
3.2. Classification and properties of nerve fibers.
3.3. Wellerian degeneration, regeneration and reaction of degeneration.
Blood composition
4.1. Composition and functions in general.
4.2. Physiology of plasma proteins, normal values, E.S.R & other blood indices.
4.3. Physiology of R. B.C, W.B.C. and platelets formation, fate an physiological and functions of formed elements of blood.
4.4. A.B.O. and RH. Blood group systems.
4.5. Lymphatics and RE system.
4.6. Coagulation & haemostasis.
Cardio-vascular system
5.1 Structure and properties of cardiac muscle.
5.2 Generation and conduction of cardiac impulse, E.C.G. (Normal).
5.3 Cardiac cycle with reference to pressure, volume changes, heart sounds etc.
5.4 Heart rate and its regulations.
5.5 Hemodynamic, B.P. and its regulation.
5.6 Physiological basis of shock.
Medical Officer (Ayurveda) Syllabus 2023:
- Padarth Vigyan
Ayurveda Nirupana Definition and lakshana of ayu, composition of ayu; definition and lakshana of Ayurveda; definition and types of siddhanta; introduction of basic principles of Ayurveda and their significance.
Ayurveda darshana nirupana Philosophical background of fundamentals of ayurveda. meeting of the word”darsan” and its omnipresence: evolution of dasrana, their Numbers and classification; general introductions of schools of Indian Philosophy with an emphasis on nyaya, vaisheshik and sankhya Darsana. Ayurveda as unique and independent school of thought (philosophical individuality of ayurveda). definition of padartha. lakshana of padartha. Division and number of padarthas; bhava and abhava padartha: ckaraks opinion regarding these; introduction & description of karana-padarthas mentioned by charak.
Dravya Vigyaniyam Definition, lakshana and number of dravya, panchabhutas; origin of panchamahabhuta. parasparanupravesha (mutual conglomeration) types of panchikaram; lakshana and types of prithvi, lakshana and types of tejas; lakshana and types of jala, lakshna and types of vayu. lakshna of akasha and its aupadhika types; kala nirupana, etymological derivation, definition and of the word ‘kala’; aupashik types of kala. significance of kala in ayurveda; dig-nirupanam, significance of dig and aupadhik types, lakshna of atma, description of purusha mentioned in ayurveda- Ativahika purusha/sukshma sharer/ rashi purusha/ chikitsiya purusha/ karma purusha/ saddhatvatmak purusha, initiation of atma towards perception of knowledge (atmanahjnana pravritti), mano niruoanam; lakshna, synonyms of manas, mana as substratam of diseases (manasah vyadhyahryatram); guna (qualities), Vishaya (Subject), Karma (functions), ubhayainadriyatva and seat of mana; contribution of panchamahabhuta and triguna in physical constitution (dehaprakriti) and mental faculty; disapproval of dravyatva of tamas, practical study/application of dravya in ayurveda.
Guna Vigyaniyam Etymological derivation. definition and number of gunas, vaisesika guna(sartha)-Shabda, sparsha, rupa, rasa, gandha; adhyatma gunah-budhi, Sukha. Dukha,ichha,dwesa, prayatna; parade gurvadi guna- their introduction and clinical application.
Karma Vigyaniyam Definition. lakshna and types of karma, types of karma mentioned in nyaya, Description of karma in ayurveda, practical study/ application of karma in Ayurveda.
Samanya Vigyaniyam Definition, lakshna, types of samanya, practical study /application of samanya in reference to dravya, guna and karma,
VisheshaVigyaniyam Definition, lakshna, types of Vishesa, detailed description of the verse “pravrittirubhayasyata”, practical study of vishesa for clinical application in Ayurveda.
Samavaya Viyaniyam Definition and lakshna of samavaya. Practical study of samavaya for clinical application in ayurveda.
Abhava Vigyaniyam Definition and lakshna of abhav padartha, classification of abhav- description of pragbhava, Pradhwansabhava, atyantabhava, anyuanyabhav; clinical significance of abhava in ayurveda.
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